plot twist meaning

Plot twist is a way of creating a surprise effect in the story line. That is a simple notion of plot twist and may be understood by many people. However, if explored further, the plot twist of course is not only that simple.

So, what is a plot twist, what are the types of plot twists and examples?

Definition of Plot Twist and Types of Plot Twist and Examples in Stories

So, what is a plot twist?

Before we answers what a plot twist is and complete examples, I might invite you to fantasize a little and recall some of the novels, short stories, films or TV series that you have watched.

The instructions are;

Remember one of those stories where you found a completely different storyline than you thought. If, for example, you think the story line will run like A, B, C and D. in reality, the story will run as X, Y, Z and so on.

Now remember the storyline and let me invite you to understand the meaning of plot twist in a more complete way.

Definition of Plot Twist

Plot twist meaning
Photo source: Studiobinder

Plot twist is a change in the storyline in a novel, short story, film, soap opera, drama or anything that undermines the expectations of previous readers. The plot twist seems completely different or even opposite from the story described by the author at first.

If a plot can really be practiced perfectly by the author, then it is very powerful to create a shocking effect on the reader. Furthermore, plot twists can also increase the involvement of the reader's feelings in the story.

So, if it is interpreted more easily by using the word plot twist, then it is a manipulative way of story writers to 'mislead' the reader's suspicions about the storyline by giving some initial descriptions as if they were the actual storyline.

The Most Common Types of Plot Twists

Until now, novel writers, film screenwriters, short stories writers or professional story tellers who compose their own stories, continue to develop ways to create interesting plot twists and really have a shocking effect for readers.

But in many plots, some of the most commonly known plot twists are as follows;

  • The appearance of a story character who comes from nowhere and then overturns all existing narratives.
  • One story character who should be a friend or companion to the protagonist, turns out to be a bad person and becomes the real antagonist.
  • One part of the story that seems very important but turns out to be nothing more than a side fact that hardly makes a big contribution to the protagonist's efforts to resolve the conflict.
  • When the main conflict of the story is over and the protagonist has successfully resolved it, suddenly additional conflicts appear that make the intensity of the story increase or continue. This type of plot twist is sometimes also interpreted as a spoiler. So, in other words the plot twist spoiler is an unimaginable additional conflict when the main conflict is finished.
  • A flashback that provides an overview of story information that is already known by the readers but is completely unknown to the characters or characters.
  • A new piece of information stating that the story that has just been told to the reader comes from a false and misleading source.

Some Examples of Interesting Plot Twists in Novels and Films

Now, after you know the meaning of plot twist and understand some of the most commonly used types of plot twists, then I will invite you to see examples of plot twists in novels or films.

Of course there are many plot twists that can be used as examples in this regard. However, I will present only a few of them to make it easier for you to understand.

Plot twist in the Merapi Barat Daya by Anton Sujarwo

If you are a novel reader who really expects a rich plot twist, this novel is a must read.

In the novel Merapi Barat Daya, plot twists occur many times and are completely beyond the readers' predictions. The affirmation of the main character is done with a plot twist, the execution of the antagonist is also done with a plot twist, even the ending of this story also ends with a plot twist.

This uniqueness makes the rating of the Merapi Barat Daya novel almost always perfect in the reader's review.

Plot twist in the Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijk by Hamka

The most obvious plot twist in this legendary novel by the great Indonesian writer is the ending. Who would have thought that in the end Hayati and Zainuddin would never be together forever?

Hayati's death in the sinking of the ship that brought her home from Surabaya to Padang was not at all predictable even though the title of the novel itself mentions the incident.

Plot twist in Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones Film Adaptation) by George R.R. Martin

A character in the story named Ned Stark, who was initially assumed by the reader as the main protagonist in the story, was beheaded and killed. The story turns out to be directed at Ned Stark's children.

The actual story is centered on their children who are the main protagonists in the story.

Plot twist in SAW Movie by Leigh Whannel and James Wan

Maybe this is not the best plot twist, but you must have seen the SAW movie, right?

It was a horrific horror film about torture and premeditated murder.

In one scene of the film SAW, depicted a figure of a living corpse back after death and reveals that he is the real murder character.

Plot twist in Shutter Island by Denis Lehane

The last example you can see how a plot twist film is in Shutter Island, a psychological horror film starring Leonardo Dicaprio.

In this film, you will see a twist in the storyline that is really surprising, even to the end of the story where the main character himself is involved in it.

In addition to the examples above, of course there are many other examples of plot twists that are very interesting for you to know. As a writer, you can read as many references as you like to add to your insight about plot twists.

Novel plot twist is an interesting storytelling style and provides a different experience for readers in following the storyline. Making the best plot twists requires skills and abilities which of course must be honed well too.

So, have fun practicing, okay?


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